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Catch Up With The Digital Revolution. Maximize Your Use of COVID Relief Funding

Lauren Farah Manager, Vertical Solutions Marketing Published 16 Jun 2021

At long last, the return to normalcy has finally begun and a sense of optimism fills the summer air. Now that much of the world is back on track, preparing for the future should be a top business priority.

The last year was all about adapting to the many challenges brought on in 2020. Though many organizations managed to make remote access work for their needs, the pandemic’s abrupt impact illuminated how absolutely crucial a modern network is to survive and thrive during unprecedented times.  

I know upgrading your business infrastructure may seem like a pipedream considering the slashed budgets you had to contend with in the last year, however, recent relief packages passed by the federal government provide a real chance for local communities to modernize their network without running up their own costs. This strategic use of funding will create the essential, efficient, and effective foundation required to achieve all smart community initiatives.

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 has allocated roughly $220 billion in COVID-relief to replace revenue that was compromised in the last year. The federal government has suggested that recipients use these funds to upgrade outdated infrastructure to ensure progress won’t be hindered due to distance or location. For example, schools across the nation are using relief funds to offer remote access hardware and software that can be used for distance/hybrid learning, and to provide better internet access in low-income areas.

According to a survey conducted by Extreme Networks, 41% of businesses will be managing their network in the cloud within the next five years. That number is likely to rise, especially if municipalities are strategic in their spending and maximize this unique opportunity.  A flexible and agile cloud-driven network is not only important in terms of emergency preparedness and disaster mitigation but to emerge as a stronger community at the other end. With COVID-19 relief, businesses can invest in critical features including remote managementenhanced securitycritical reliability, and meaningful analytics.

Remember: preparedness is absolutely necessary for success. Smart communities advance by investing in their future.

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