Tim Harrison

Director, Office of the CTO

Tim Harrison is a Director of Technology in the Office of the CTO at Extreme Networks. For decades, Tim worked in the Internet Access, Managed Data Centre, and Managed Service Provider industries delivering large scale multi-vendor service provider networks and services. Tim shifted to take on Product Development and Management duties to deliver some of the most innovative dedicated private cloud services available in Canada. Before joining Extreme Networks, he branched out into the value-added reseller space where he managed a national SE team, supported the journeys of great customers, and developed new business across multiple verticals.

Over the years Tim has attempted to learn to paint, play the Chapman Stick (look that one up!), sing opera, write novels, tread the boards as a Shakespearean actor, be a rock star, produce a podcast, and start a historical computer museum. He has learned as much (or more) from his failures as he has from any successes.

Tim lives in the artistic and theatrical city of Stratford, Ontario, Canada with his wife, his infant son, two Bengal cats, and the 22 drum kits in his basement studio.